Security Audit

We don’t waste your time, money or resources reinventing the wheel. Our projects focus on improving constructability, safety by design and the resilience and durability of your systems, and accelerating your schedule through project milestones like zoning and permitting deadlines.

Today, we are guiding our clients through unprecedent change and opportunity, transforming infrastructure that enables a more sustainable, digital and resilient future. Learn how you can access our engineering excellence.

From automating engineering processes that are creating tomorrow’s digital utility and smart cities to engineering design, project management and consulting services from locally registered professional engineers, Delta Modular provides the full breadth of engineering capabilities. We integrate the latest digital tools with the most advanced technical solutions to achieve your specific resiliency, sustainability and bottom-line performance goals.


We are much more than an engineering company and meet you at any step of your infrastructure journey. Solving today’s sustainable infrastructure challenges demands a broader approach – beyond the “project” – for optimization across the entire lifecycle, and our integrated teams of engineers, construction professionals, consultants, project managers, and environmental and digital experts make your success easier.

From the earliest steps of planning and ideation, through construction, operations and exploring how to make the old new again, we focus on you and accelerate your path to better decisions, more efficient delivery and the rapid achievement of your goals.